A New Adventure in Jewish Learning - Come and Join Me

Dear Friends of This Blog,

I’d like to invite you to join me in a new online Jewish learning adventure.

As you may know, my biggest passion (along with highly amplified music and trout fishing) is teaching Jewish texts, and exploring how they can be fun, intellectually stimulating, and provide spiritual meaning in a chaotic world. I teach regularly through Me’ah (in-depth courses through Hebrew College), at local synagogues, and as a visiting scholar-in-residence in Jewish communities around the country. 

For a long time I’ve been aware of the great numbers of potential students who, who for any of a wide variety of reasons, don’t have access to options and resources for Jewish adult education. And I’ve learned about the power of using technology to connect people and build virtual classrooms.

I’ve discovered that we really can do it: create online communities that are personable, interactive, and fun. I’ve also discovered that there are surprisingly few options on the internet for Jewish learning with an independent scholar. So I’m giving this a shot—and, if you’re interested, I’d love for you to be in on the ground floor.

As a pilot project, I’m offering a free class about THE TRUTH ABOUT CHANUKAH—SPIRITUAL REINVENTION IN EVERY AGE on Tuesday evening, December 17, 2019, from 7:30-8:30 pm eastern time. Click here for more information and to register. The class will be recorded, so you can register to listen to it after the fact, but I hope you’ll be able to join me in real time.

We’ll be using Zoom technology, which is quite simple to use. When you register, I’ll send you basic information about using Zoom, and for those who so desire, there will be a 30-minute training session before the class at 7:00 pm eastern.

Please feel free to share this far and wide, to anyone you think may be interested in online Jewish learning that is fun, meaningful, and spiritually exciting. There is no experience necessary, and all are welcome (but it won’t be juvenile).

I’m very excited about this project, and I hope you’ll be part of where it goes in the future.

With gratitude,
